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George Frederick Handel

Composer, Organist, and Keyboardist

The Baroque Period

Born: 5 March 1685

Halle, Duchy of Magdeburg (modern day Germany)

Died: 14 April 1759

London, England

A Hint About Handel

Handel was a composer of Operas, Oratorios, and instrumental music and is perhaps most known for his composition The Messiah which is performed throughout the Advent season. Handel started studying music at an early age and by his early 20's he was an accomplished musician and composer but decided to pursue a degree in liberal arts at the University of Halle. After completing his education in Halle, Handel traveled throughout Italy and met many famous composers of the time such as Alessandro Scarlatti, Domenico Scarlatti, and Arcangelo Corelli. Handel's time in Italy greatly influenced his compositional style and his success in Italian Opera spread throughout the country so much so that he became known throughout Europe. In 1711, Handel's opera Rinaldo was performed in London to much praise and he eventually returned for multiple productions of his work as well as ultimately relocating to London and becoming a British Subject. Handel spent the rest of his life composing English Opera, Oratorios, and other choral and instrumental works and was seen as a true reflection of the English national character even though being a german born composer.

Time Line

23 February 1685








14 April 1759

Georg Freidrich Händel was born in Halle, Duchy of Magdeburg now modern day Germany. He would later anglicize his name to George Frederick Handel.

Handel's father passes away

Starts at the University of Halle and becomes organist at the Calvinist Cathedral in Halle.

Became Kapellmeister to German prince George and moves to London

During his time in London, Handel premieres more than 25 operas!

Handel premieres Messiah

Handel composes Music for the Royal Fireworks

Handel writes his last oratorio Jephtha and soon after begins loosing his eyesight. 

Handel passes away and was buried in Westminster Abbey. 


Want to listen to some Handel? Check some recordings of some of his most famous keyboard and ensemble works. Maybe if you're a fan of one of these pieces you could start learning it!

G.F. Händel: Water Music - Akademie für alte Musik Berlin - Live concert HD

G.F. Händel: Water Music - Akademie für alte Musik Berlin - Live concert HD

Kijk voor meer concerten op: - Akademie für alte Musik Berlin Georg Kallweit, viool/leiding G.F. Händel 1685-1759 Water Music, HWV 348-350 - Overture: Largo-Allegro - Adagio e staccato - Allegro / Andante / Allegro da capo - Allegro - Air - Minuet - Bourrée - Hornpipe - Allegro moderato - Allegro - Alla hornpipe - Minuet - Rigaudon 1 / Rigaudon 2 / Rigaudon 1 - Lentement - Bourrée - Minuet 1 / Minuet 2 - Gigue 1 / Gigue 2 da capo - Minuet Opname: 10 januari 2016, Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam voor Het Zondagochtend Concert Händels Water Music Bijna drie eeuwen geleden gaf Händel een concert dat we ons nu nóg herinneren. Op een groot vlot voer hij, met orkest, over de Theems. De kabbelende rivier begeleidde de première van zijn Water Music. Een stuk dat niet bedoeld was voor de vissen en trekschuiten, maar voor koning George I. De drie suites van Water Music vormden de achtergrond voor een diner op zijn koninklijke jacht. Het smaakte deze ‘royals’ uitstekend: Händel en zijn musici moesten het werk twee keer herhalen. Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin Dit seizoen waagt Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin (Akamus) zich met HändelsWater Music aan een van de bekendste klassieke werken. Akamus won onlangs de Bach-medaille van de stad Leipzig, voor hun verdiensten in het historisch verantwoord uitvoeren van oude muziek. Wat dat betreft is Water Music extra interessant omdat er meerdere versies van het werk bestaan. Op het water klinkt muziek immers heel anders dan op het land.
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